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The ultimate guide to Tummy Tuck in Lithuania

Tummy tuck surgery in lithuania

Many women wish their bellies to look younger, slimmer, and more feminine. If you’re unsatisfied with how your belly looks, a tummy tuck surgery can help your waist look lean and womanly.
Many countries offer reliable plastic surgery in Europe, including Lithuania. The additional benefit that attracts myriad people to plastic surgery in Lithuania is an exceptional price-to-quality ratio.
This article will cover everything you need to know about travelling to Lithuania for Tummy Tuck or combined surgeries.

What is Tummy Tuck surgery?

tummy tuck surgery

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and tighten the abdominal wall muscles to create a smaller waistline.
It is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed today in the world. The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia.
The first results become visible after 2-3 weeks of recovery when swelling and other postoperative sensations are gone. The final results usually allow women to feel more comfortable and satisfied with their bodies.

Why Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Individuals usually choose the procedure when they possess loose skin and excess fat in the abdominal area due to weight loss, pregnancy, ageing and more.
Firstly, it is common to do Tummy Tuck surgery when one has already lost significant amounts of weight from diet and exercise. It is an elective procedure meant to improve overall body contour. However, it can also be used as a treatment for obesity.
Furthermore, women who possess a normal body weight and still have a protruding or flabby belly due to various reasons, such as heredity, childbirth, or previous surgery, may also choose to get rid of it with plastic surgery.

How long does Tummy tuck stay unchanged?

Tummy Tuck technically provides a lifetime change to a waistline. However, it might be negatively affected by a woman’s lifestyle and significant weight changes.
If there are any weight loss or pregnancy plans, abdominal plastic surgery should be delayed.

What are the benefits of the Tummy Tuck procedure?

tummy tuck benefits

  • Improved body contour
  • Tightened loose skin
  • Eliminated excess fat
  • Reduced the appearance of stretch marks
  • Enhanced confidence
  • Greater satisfaction in life
  • Gained motivation to improve your lifestyle and stay in good shape
See before and after photos of Tummy Tuck

Price of Tummy Tuck in Lithuania

tummy tuck price in lithuania

Services at ClinicusPrices in EURPrices in GBP*
Mini Tummy TuckFrom 1600From 1400
Tummy Tuck without liposuctionFrom 3300From 2800
Tummy Tuck with liposuctionFrom 3800From 3350
Correction of diastasis recti (abdominal muscles separation)From 3400From 2990

*The given price is approximate and might have changed at the time you view this article. Visit the pricelist to see actual prices. You can book a consultation to find out the cost for your individual case.

Types of Tummy Tuck surgeries and their differences

Mini tummy tuck surgery (Mini Abdominoplasty)

Mini tummy tuck surgery

Mini tummy tuck surgery is a new, minimally invasive treatment for people with a small amount of loose skin and excess fat on their stomach. It removes the skin and fat from the belly area to create a slimmer waistline. The skin is then tightened using dissolvable sutures, and the excess fat is removed through tiny incisions.
It is less invasive than a full tummy tuck and usually has a shorter recovery period. After mini tummy tuck surgery, you can resume normal activities within two weeks.

Tummy tuck surgery (Abdominoplasty) – without liposuction

tummy tuck surgery

Tummy Tuck surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves the surgical removal of excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. A surgeon will make an incision across the lower abdomen and remove excess skin and fat during the procedure. The excess skin and fat are then either completely removed or “sutured” back into place to tighten the abdominal muscles and achieve a more toned appearance.
Recovery time can vary, but most people can return to normal activities within a few weeks.

Tummy tuck surgery (Abdominoplasty) – with liposuction

tummy tuch with liposuction

A tummy tuck with liposuction is a combination of two surgical procedures that can be used to improve the appearance of the stomach and other parts of the body, such as thighs and knees, shins, back and buttocks. This procedure aims to achieve a more balanced body shape, improve the contour of the abdominal muscles and reduce the measurements in other parts of the body.
During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen, while during liposuction, a surgeon uses a cannula, or thin tube, to suction away excess fat from specific areas of the body.
When performed together, a tummy tuck and liposuction can help to reshape and contour the body, resulting in a slimmer, more toned and attractive appearance.

Abdominal surgery after childbirth (correction of diastasis recti)

An overwhelming majority of women are unsatisfied with the looks of their waistlines after giving birth. In this case, the problem is not the excess fat but damage to the elasticity and structure of the abdominal muscles and overstretched skin.
Such a condition may not be solved by following a diet and exercise routine but rather requires abdominal correction. An advanced abdominal plastic surgery is performed, called the correction of diastasis recti (abdominal muscles separation).
The main difference between such surgery and tummy tuck is the correction of separated abdominal muscles throughout the entire belly length affected by pregnancy-related changes.
Correction of diastasis recti may leave barely visible scars requiring a relatively short healing period.

Who is not a suitable candidate for abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is ideal for women who wish to get rid of the excessive skin and fat on the abdomen. Although, abdominoplasty is not recommended for:
1 – Women with very thin or extremely tight skin, those with a history of smoking, or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
2 – people who are significantly overweight or obese may not be good candidates for tummy tuck surgery. It is essential to reach a stable weight before undergoing the procedure. The BMI should be no more than 30.
3 – People who have had previous abdominal surgery may not be good candidates for tummy tuck surgery, as the presence of scar tissue can make the procedure more difficult and increase the risk of complications.
4 – Heavy smokers, as smoking can impede healing and increase the risk of complications after surgery, so people who smoke should quit before and after surgery.
5 – People who have certain medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease, may not be able to undergo the procedure safely.
It is important to consult with a qualified surgeon, such as Rokas Bagdonas and Dainius Daunoravičius, to determine if a tummy tuck is a right option for you, and to discuss any potential risks or concerns.

You can book a consultation HERE.

Is tummy tuck surgery risky?

Tummy Tuck surgery is generally considered safe, but like any other surgical procedure, they carry some risks. These include:

  • Infection – As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. This risk can be reduced by following proper surgical hygiene and keeping the incision clean and dry.
  • Bleeding – There is a risk of bleeding during or after the surgery, which can lead to blood clots or hematomas.
  • Scarring – Tummy tuck surgery leaves a scar that runs along the lower abdomen. A bikini will typically hide it, but the length and visibility may vary.
  • Numbness – There is a risk of numbness or loss of sensation in the skin of the abdominal area, which can be temporary or permanent.
  • Anaesthesia complications – As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of complications related to the anaesthesia used during the procedure.
  • Fluid accumulation (Seroma) – Seromas can occur after the surgery due to the accumulation of lymphatic fluid and can cause the tummy to appear swollen and feel firm. This risk can be minimised during operation by the surgeon and carefully following the post-surgical care instructions by the patient.

Combined plastic surgeries with abdominoplasty

tummy tuck surgery

It is common to combine Tummy tuck with various other surgeries. These include liposuction, a nose job, breast augmentation/lift/reduction, eyelid surgery and upper arm plastic surgery.

The benefits of combined plastic surgeries

Cost savings

You can save immensely by combining a few surgeries instead of spacing them out. By making one trip for two or more procedures, you will save on flight ticket and accommodation costs, not to mention that the combined surgeries cost much less.

One anaesthesia

Anaesthesia comes with its risks, and it is better for you to have it once and lower the possibility of experiencing problems or complications.

Less recovery time

After the surgery follows a one or two weeks recovery period. If you space surgeries separately, there will be more arrangements for holidays from work, kids and other responsibilities. While having combined surgeries saves you time.

More convenient

It is much less hustle to do everything – planning the trip for plastic surgery to Lithuania, flights and accommodation, making arrangements with surgeons, following preparation requirements and going through recovery – one time instead of two.
Is there another surgery lingering in your mind besides rhinoplasty? Book a consultation with one of Clinicus surgeons to discuss your options and safety requirements.

The process of having abdominoplasty surgery in Lithuania (with Clinicus)

1. Book a consultation with the plastic surgeon online

Fill in a contact form with one of the plastic surgeons in Klaipeda or Vilnius and book an online consultation. We will discuss your current medical situation, the desirable results, the scope of the operation, the course, and the postoperative period. We will assess if you are a suitable candidate for such plastic surgery.

2. Health check and booking the date

Through emails, we will continue to collect information about your state of health with a questionnaire. Sometimes additional photos or documents may be required. Once you decide on the scope of the operation, the date and other organisational matters are arranged. You can contact your curator anytime regarding the questions that have arisen.

3. Preparation for the abdominoplasty

You should avoid the medications for a specified time frame as instructed by the surgeon in the consultation. It is also necessary to stop smoking and avoid alcohol and blood-thinning medications for at least two weeks before and after the surgery. Your surgeon may give other preparation specifications for your individual case.

4. Abdominoplasty surgery in Lithuania

The surgery requires general anaesthesia and lasts around two to three hours. The surgeon will make an incision across the lower abdomen and remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen using cannulas and surgical scissors. If necessary, the surgeon will tighten the abdominal muscles by suturing them together to create a flatter, more toned appearance. If the navel needs to be repositioned, the surgeon will detach it from the surrounding tissue, move it, and reattach it. Then, the incision will be closed with sutures, staples, or surgical tape. The surgeon may insert drainage tubes to remove any excess fluid that may accumulate after the surgery.

5. The recovery from an abdominoplasty in Lithuania

In general, patients can expect to experience some pain and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication prescribed by the surgeon. Swelling and bruising are also normal after the surgery and can last several weeks. If used during the surgery, drainage tubes will be removed within a few days.
Your surgeon will apply dressings and bandages to the incision site, which will need to be changed and kept clean according to the surgeon’s instructions. It is essential to rest and avoid strenuous activities for the first few weeks after the surgery.
Follow-up appointments with your surgeon will be scheduled to monitor your recovery and check on the healing process. Most people can return to normal activities within a few weeks. However, it can take up to 6 weeks before you can return to full physical activity level.

How to get to Lithuania by plane for plastic surgery?

Direct flights to Palanga Airport for Clinicus Klaipeda

For plastic surgery in Klaipeda city, it is most convenient to fly to Palanga Airport, just a 30-minute drive to Klaipeda city centre. Clinicus Klaipeda can arrange an individual transfer to your accommodation in Klaipeda city.

Denmark – Copenhagen

United Kingdom – London (STN, LTN)

Ireland – Dublin

Norway – Oslo.

Direct flights to Vilnius Airport for Clinicus Vilnius

If you choose to have a plastic surgery in Lithuanian capital Vilnius, you can find direct flights from UK, Ireland and many European countries. Vilnius Airport is just outside Vilnius city, around 20-minute drive.












United Kingdom




The Netherlands






Recommendations for Clinicus

Plastic surgeons at Clinicus


Dr Rokas BagdonasA plastic and reconstructive surgery specialist, he has been working in this field since 2004. The surgeon broadened his knowledge and experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery through traineeships in Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, the USA and many more countries. Dr R. Bagdonas is a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) and the Lithuanian Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the founder of the Lithuanian Wound Management Association, a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), and many more organisations to learn and make a change in the plastic surgery field. 
“I see my work as a calling, a way of life and not only as a business. I continuously develop and think of ways to help everyone achieve their vision. I dedicate a part of myself unconditionally to the patients.”
Read more


Dr. Dainius DaunoravičiusDr Dainius Daunoravičius has been working with plastic and reconstructive surgery since 2007. The surgeon enhanced his knowledge and experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery through traineeships in Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom and many more countries. He is a member of the Lithuanian Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). 
“Plastic surgery is my work and leisure, as well as a great field for continued improvement. The results are clearly seen during post-operative visits when the patients arrive with shining faces, happy and self-confident. It is a great pleasure to see such harmony resulting from changes both on the inside and outside, as this is the highest acclaim of our work.”
Read more

Why choose Clinicus for your plastic surgery in Lithuania?

We are a family business

Clinicus is a family business where every patient is greeted with open hands and warmly welcomed. Most patients feel at home in the clinic. Each patient receives a great deal of individual attention, so they feel fully cared for.

Extraordinary customer service

You will receive warm and sincere communication, which is rare among healthcare organisations. The best and most professional medical staff is gathered to care for your health 24/7.

Superb price-to-quality ratio

We strive to offer our customers excellent quality plastic surgery, customer service, individual care and extra services – all for an attractive and affordable price. So that everyone could achieve the changes they desire.

Best practices with the latest medical equipment

You can entrust your vision to doctors of the highest competence. The operation will be performed using the latest medical equipment and the best surgical techniques.

Profound support for the post-operative period

Surgeons with nurses take great initiative and effort to care after the surgery. We attentively check on your healing and feelings. In some cases, we can recommend massages on-site to enhance recovery.

The highest EU standards

The clinic adheres to the same health and safety standards determined by European Union as in other EU countries. You should trust our medical staff to be professional and our equipment up to the latest technology.

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