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The skin’s fats tend to reduce with the advancement of aging processes. The facial skin may also take on a flabby look due to the inherent properties of the skin and a person’s lifestyle. The sagging of the skin in the cheek area, around the eyes, and the eyebrow, lower jaw, and neck areas causes changes in the contour of the face.

Such facial skin-related problems are solved with plastic surgery, and modern medicine offers several solutions to those who are looking for a treatment without incisions and scars. Facial skin tightening treatments without surgery are performed with the use of thread-lift or a laser.

Face correction treatment involving a barbed suture insertion in deeper layers of the skin results in a clearly visible skin-tightening effect. The treatment is recommended for those who want to simultaneously improve several areas of the face but are not ready for the surgical tightening of the facial skin.

A more pronounced effect can be achieved in combination with other treatments, such as botulinum toxin injections, fat transplantation, etc.

The prices of thread facelift without a surgery at Clinicus Klaipėda and Clinicus Vilnius start at € 800.

Agnė Bagdonė, a dermatologist at Clinicus Klaipėda, carries out face and neck skin tightening treatments with the use of the Asclepion MeDioStar NeXT laser by a German manufacturer.

It is recommended that facial skin tightening laser treatment is performed in periods of low solar activity. The treatment is especially effective in terms of the removal of facial wrinkles around the eyes. The facial skin tightening laser treatment is suitable for both women and men, regardless of their skin type. The procedure is safe, painless, and leaves no scarring.

The best effect, lasting for about 6 months, is achieved after 2 to 3 treatments repeated every two weeks. The duration of a single treatment is 15 to 20 minutes. The price of the skin tightening laser treatment is € 100.

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