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The top 10 valuable tips for achieving the perfect body is now replaced by one golden rule. “Emsculpt” helps to quickly eliminate fat and increase muscle mass without significant efforts.

“Clinicus Vilnius” presents:

1 procedure – €200.

4 procedures – €600.

SPECIAL OFFER: 20% discount when you purchase a package of at least 4 procedures.

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emsclupt clinicus vilnius


The only device in Vilnius with such HIFEM technology

EMSCULPT device offers aesthetic transformations effortlessly. Through magnetic stimulation, muscles are shaped, toned, and enlarged, while contours are refined, and fat is burned.

Scientific studies have proven that four half-hour EMSCULPT sessions can increase muscle mass by an average of 16% in the abdominal area, reduce fat by 19%, and decrease waist circumference by up to 5 cm.

This non-invasive aesthetic medical technology is a safe and effective revolutionary solution suitable for all patients, regardless of age or gender.

The EMSCULPT device is certified by the European Union institutions, bears a quality mark, and is approved by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration).

The effectiveness of this device is based on HIFEM, a high-intensity focused electromagnetic field. Unique wave lengths reach through the skin and other tissues to impact the transverse muscles, forcing them to contract intensely, leading to muscle mass increase.

During the 20-30 minute EMSCULPT procedure, the affected area experiences approximately 20-40 thousand muscle contractions, without causing pain or adverse effects to the patient.


This device utilizes electromagnetic waves to train the abdominal, gluteal, calf, and trapezius muscles. Using larger applicators focuses on body contouring, muscle strengthening, and firming, as well as reducing the amount of fat tissue.

The rapid fat-burning effect is achieved through strong and abrupt muscle contractions, which activates the release of biologically active substances and trigger a metabolic response. On average, fat tissue is reduced by up to 19% due to adipocyte destruction.

For those who actively engage in sports, maintain a healthy diet, and possess an athletic build, EMSCULPT can effortlessly accentuate desired body areas such as abs and glutes. Smaller applicators can strengthen trapezius or calf muscles.

For patients with more adipose tissue, the device can enhance and reduce body contours while strengthening muscles. Clinical studies have demonstrated that EMSCLUPT procedures can reduce abdominal muscle diastasis in postpartum women.

A standard treatment course, guaranteeing long-lasting results for years or more, comprises 3-4 sessions, spaced out every few days. The number of procedures may vary as individual results are influenced by age, health condition, diet, and other factors.

At “Clinicus Vilnius,” our specialists will tailor a personalized treatment plan for you. We recommend increasing your water intake before and after the procedure and avoiding clothes or accessories with metallic details during the session.

After the procedure, you may feel slight muscle fatigue, similar to that after an intense workout. However, the discomfort is generally minimal as EMSCULPT periodically shifts muscle stimulation to a soothing muscle massage.


EMSCULPT is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or for individuals with metallic implants or skin injuries in the treated areas.


To schedule a consultation and procedure at “Clinicus Vilnius,” please call +370 670 17 111 or email [email protected], or fill out the contact form on the website.

emsculpt kuno irenginys

RESULTS WITH EMSCULPT: Before and after 4 procedures.:

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