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Prominent ear correction (otoplasty) may have a major impact on your overall image and self-confidence. If you or your child experience any discomfort due to protruding ears or differently shaped ears, we advise considering plastic surgery.

Prominent ear surgery can be used to correct the following:

  • Excessively large ears (a rare condition called macrotia)
  • Prominent ear (one or both) (this does not cause a hearing impairment)
  • Errors of previous ear plastic surgeries

Children may have ear plastic surgery if they are:

  • Healthy, do not have major health problems and have not been treated for chronic ear infections
  • At least 5 years old (a normal practice) or when the child’s ear cartilage is developed enough to undergo a correction
  • Communicative, able to convey their feelings, actively expressing their wish to have an ear correction and ready to follow the instructions of doctors

The result of the prominent ear correction is visible immediately after the protective bandages that support the new ear shape at the beginning of healing are removed. The remaining surgical scars are negligible, as they are well hidden by the natural wrinkle behind the ear.

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