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An equally important important part of nasal plastic surgery is the elimination of breathing problems through nasal septum surgery and nasal restructuring. Various injuries and accidents, congenital nasal septum deviations or hypertrophy of the nasal concha cause problems like snoring and chronic rhinitis, adversely affect the cardiovascular system, and may cause even digestive problems. Nasal septum surgery enables you to breathe freely again; it is also a way to prevent more serious illnesses.

If there are no complaints concerning breathing, the nasal septum is without deviations, the bone part is straight and the problem is an aesthetically unappealing shape of the nose, plastic surgeon Rokas Bagdonas recommends performing plastic surgery to adjust the nose tip. During the surgery, which takes just several dozen minutes, the projection of the nose tip may be adjusted, thus achieving a visually smaller nose that matches the overall proportions of the face better. After 5–7 days, the patient may get back to his/her usual daily activities.

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