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Lip contour and volume correction using fillers is a procedure that can be performed safely and effectively by a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. We provide these services in our clinics in Klaipėda and Vilnius.

Depending on the desired result, hyaluronic acid of appropriate viscosity and concentration is injected into the lips. We use only safe and certified preparations.

For lip shape or volume corrections, we offer Juverderm: Ultra 3, Smile, Volift, Volbella, and Teosyal: Global Action and RHA2 injectable fillers.

After injections, lips become fuller and their redness is more pronounced. Lip shape and volume correction is recommended for women with naturally narrow lips, as well as for older members of the fair sex who feel concerned about the flaccidity of the lip area tissue.

Lip contour and volume correction will not be carried out if you have herpes infection in the lips area, are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If you have diabetes or lupus erythematosus, it is advisable discussing the possibility of having a hyaluronic acid injections treatment individually with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

The correction of lips to achieve the desired shape and fullness is carried out by injecting hyaluronic acid fillers into the deep layers of the skin. The effect of the treatment is visible immediately. Swelling, small bruises or hematomas may remain for a few days. The result of the correction of the shape and volume of the lips, depending on the type of product used, lasts 6 to 18 months.

The prices of lip contour, volume or shape correction by injection start at € 230.

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