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Performing endoscopic examinations in a timely manner helps prevent diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract organs. In case a condition is diagnosed, an individualized treatment plan is selected accordingly.

At “Clinicus Klaipėda,” abdominal surgeons Marijus Ambrazevičius and Jonas Jurgaitis conduct gastrofibroscopy examinations swiftly and accurately.

During the examination, a specialized instrument called a gastroscope is inserted through the patient’s throat. The flexible tube, equipped with an optical system and a light source, allows the doctor to inspect the inner lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

Given the endoscope, inflammations, erosions, ulcers, or tumors can be identified in the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.

If necessary, tissue biopsies are taken for examination to detect cancerous conditions, polyps are removed, and bleeding from ulcers is stopped.

During gastrofibroscopy, chronic gastritis or other conditions caused by the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori may also be identified.

If patients are concerned about experiencing discomfort during the upper gastrointestinal tract examination, anesthesia may be applied.

Before the examination, medications that reduce mucosal irritation may be applied, or a short-term intravenous anesthesia can be performed, ensuring maximum comfort during the procedure.

Gastrofibroscopy is recommended when prescribed medication treatment is not effective.

Additionally, gastrofibroscopy is beneficial when symptoms such as painful or difficult swallowing, chronic vomiting, unexplained nausea, unexplained weight loss, bleeding, or recurrent or persistent gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are present.

To prepare for the gastrofibroscopy examination, avoid eating anything for 6-8 hours before the procedure and refrain from consuming fluids for 4-6 hours prior to it.

At “Clinicus Klaipėda,” we also provide colonoscopy, another endoscopic procedure for examining the large intestine.


Upper gastrointestinal tract examination (gastrofibroscopy) – 120

Gastrofibroscopy with general anesthesia – 210

Consultation with an abdominal surgeon – 45

Follow-up consultation with an abdominal surgeon – 35

Biopsy + examination – 50

Helicobacter Pylori test – 20

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