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One can create a more expressive face by the use of beauty products – most women do it every day or when they are getting ready for some exclusive or festive occasion.

When products intended for covering defects and contouring of the face no longer work, a durable facial contouring result is achieved with fat injections.

With age, the loss of facial fat creates negative changes in the contour of the face: the face loses fullness and the skin loses its former firmness and starts sagging. After performing the contouring of face with fat injections, the changes caused by the passage of time are naturally delayed and skin regenerative processes are promoted.

A fat grafting procedure is used for this kind of facial rejuvenation treatment, transplanting fat from other parts of the body and injecting into cheeks, chin, lips, and the area under the eyes. After the fat grafting, the face looks younger and the volume and fullness of the face are restored.

Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid is another injection-based method for skin rejuvenation that involves injectable fillers. Injectable preparations based on hyaluronic acid help not only removing deep wrinkles, but also modelling the volume and restoring the contour of the face.

The prices of the facial rejuvenation treatment based on fat injections in Clinicus Vilnius and Clinicus Klaipėda start at € 900.

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