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Botulinum toxin injections block muscle nerve signals, weakening the nerve so that it could not contract. The result is a reduced number of unwanted facial wrinkles.

Botulinum toxin injections help to smooth wrinkles in the following areas:

  • Around the eyes
  • The forehead
  • Between the eyebrows
  • The neck

One of the fastest and safest anti-wrinkle remedies is botulinum toxin type A injections.

You will notice the results of a botulinum toxin injection in a few days; however, the final effect usually appears after a week. The permanence of the result of a botulinum toxin injection is affected by individual body reactions. Botulinum toxin injections-related treatments are performed in Vilnius and Klaipėda. After having botulinum toxin injections, you should stay away from sauna and alcohol.

Injection prices start at € 40

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