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Biorevitalisation: a deep moisturising of the skin

Biorevitalisation is a deep moisturising of the skin, which is extremely important in order to delay the ageing processes of the skin and to keep it healthy and beautiful. The treatment consists of pure concentrated hyaluronic acid injected into the areas that the patient wishes to adjust. Hyaluronic acid draws water to the skin, keeping the skin moist and preventing dryness.

‘The fine lines smoothen, the skin becomes brighter, fresher, and the stretching sensation associated with dryness of the skin disappears,’ says dermatologist A. Bagdonė. According to her, biorevitalisation is suitable for people of all ages. The treatment is applicable to the face, neck, and décolletage areas and is especially effective in terms of the removal of fine lines around the eyes. In order to achieve a positive effect, the dermatologist recommends to have 2 to 4 treatments performed with a 2-week break. Following the course, you will enjoy the positive result for about half a year. Afterwards, the course should be repeated.

‘The deep skin moisturising treatment is especially recommended in autumn and spring. In winter, the skin suffers from extremely dry indoor air, as well the cold weather and severe winds, while after the summer, the skin tends to be dry and weary from the sun. Therefore, it is often that the skin feels tight and starts scaling,’ explains the dermatologist.

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