Ingrida Anužytė
MPL-07150/23839 (otolaryngologist).
Consults patients with severe sore throat conditions or headache, swollen lymph nodes in the neck area, nasal congestion or purulent discharge from the ears.
Education background
In 2001, acquired a master’s degree in medicine and a doctor’s professional qualification at Kaunas University of Medicine (currently: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences). In 2002, acquired a medical doctor’s professional qualification at Kaunas University of Medicine (currently: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences).
In 2005, acquired the professional qualification of otorhinolaryngologist at Kaunas University of Medicine (currently: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences).
Advises and provides treatment to patients who have various respiratory complaints, including snoring and intermittent breathing during their sleep.
Carries out endoscopic surgery of nasal septum, sinuses, conchae and endolaryngeal microsurgery.
Performs tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy and tympanostomy of tympanic cavities.
Uses modern methods: radiofrequency thermo-ablation, coblation with frozen plasma, palatal implants, and other methods.
- 2002 – Internship at the Universita catolica del sacro cuore facolta di medicina et chirurgia Agostino Gemelli in Rome under the Socrates Erasmus program.
- 2007 – Practical training course on laser application in otorhinolaryngology and head/neck surgery at the Phillips University of Marburg in Germany.
- 2009 – Practical training course on diagnostics and surgery of breathing disorders in sleep in Bergen (Norway).
- 2010 – Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Congress in Pamplona, Spain.
- 2011 – Milan Masterclass course on Endoscopic Sinus Surgery and Rhinoplasty in Italy.
- 2012 – Palate surgery course on snoring and obstructive sleep apnea treatment at University of Pavia and Parma, Italy.
- 2012 – Salzburg Weill Cornell workshop on otorhinolaryngology. Weill Cornell Medical College (USA) and the private Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg, Austria.
- 2013 – 20th IFOS World Congress in Seoul, South Korea.
- 2013 – 2nd meeting of the European Academy of ORL and Head & Neck Surgery in Nice, France.
- 2013 – Sinus and skull base endoscopic surgery courses at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.
- 2014 – 25th European Rhinologic Society Congress in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- 2014 – International Course on Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose in Imola, Italy.
- Tonzilektomijų technikos progresas.
- Ūminis rinosinusitas.
- Fitoterapinių vaistų pritaikymas gydymui.
- Sloguojantis vaikas.
- Viršutinių kvėpavimo takų gydymas augaliniais vaistais.
- Knarkimas ir obstrukcinė miego apnėja.
- Antibiotikų skyrimo vaikams netolygumai Klaipėdos apskrityje.
- Ūžesio gydymo praktika.
- Kvėpavimo takų infekcinės ligos ir antibakterinė terapija.
- Ryklės limfadenoidinio audinio patologija.
- Ūminio vidurinės ausies uždegimo antibakterinis gydymas.
- Šiuolaikiniai nosies pertvaros perforacijų korekcijos būdai.
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