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Mole removal is a simple treatment, during which such skin lesions are removed from various parts of the body to eliminate aesthetic problems and hygiene inconveniences.

A contact with jewellery, accessories, and hair removal tools may cause mole irritation, which can lead to faster development of lesions. Therefore, the plastic surgeons at Clinicus primarily recommend removing moles that have formed on the face, neck, abdomen, armpits or groin.

Benign moles are removed using radiosurgery technique where skin lesions are exposed to high-frequency radio waves. This painless and safe treatment is performed without surgery, using a needle electrode.

Following the removal of moles using radio waves, a non-bleeding scratch occurs at the mole site. It disappears in a week, when a new healthy skin layer develops.

Prior to the treatment, the doctor will determine if a mole may be removed by assessing its shape, colour, and changes. In case of any doubt concerning a skin lesion in question, special tests may be carried out.

Doctors determine the cost of mole removal following an individual consultation, having familiarised themselves with the scope of the problem. Radiofrequency mole removal in Klaipėda is performed by Plastic Surgeon Rokas Bagdonas and in Vilnius by Plastic Surgeon Dainius Daunoravičius.

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