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Medical pedicure safely removes the hardened skin layer around the nail, painlessly treats ingrown toenails and the formation of horny epithelium in toenails, removes callus and treats cracked feet, as well as toenail and foot fungus.

The treatment is especially suitable for those suffering from diabetes mellitus.

The treatment is a dry procedure without the application of the usual cosmetic pedicure technique of bath-soaking. The minimum amount of the hardened skin is removed in the course of the dry procedure, therefore it re-forms at a considerably slower rate.

No sharp instruments are involved in the medical pedicure treatment, as the procedure is performed with a special grinding machine. Therefore there is no risk of small injuries or incisions.

A medical pedicure treatment at Clinicus Klaipėda starts with a professional consultation to select a treatment plan based on individual needs. Where necessary, diagnostic tests are performed.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to have a medical pedicure treatment at least twice a year. If you suffer from feet callus, feet or toenail fungus, cracked feet and ingrown toenails, the treatment should be performed once a month.

To register for a visit to a professional at Clinicus Klaipėda, call +370 665 14000.

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