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Pigmented lesions that occur on the face or body due to the production of excess melanin are called liver spots.

Laser removal of pigment spots in Clinicus Klaipėda is carried out by dermatologist Agnė Bagdonė. Quadro Star Pro Yellow, a cutting-edge laser manufactured in Germany, is used for the removal of liver spots.

A laser produced by Asclepion Lazer Technologies (Germany) removes pigmented lesions of varying size and shape. Following the treatment, the skin starts looking more aesthetically attractive: it becomes more radiant and even.

The MeDioStar NeXT PRO laser for efficient removal of liver spots eliminates skin defects and destroys excess melanin without any surgical intervention.

Typically, 1 to 2 treatments are required to remove liver stains. Where skin lesions are pronounced and have been present for a long time, 3 to 5 treatments may be required.

Following the laser treatment, the spots at first turn dark and after a few days start fading and disappear within a week.

The result of the treatment depends on a variety of reasons: the origin of the liver spots (genetics, hormones, sun exposure, and diseases) and the skin care following the treatment.

According to the dermatologist at Clinicus Klaipėda, liver spot removal by laser is more efficient if preceded by chemical peels with organic acids.

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