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Laser hair removal ensures lasting comfort

Excessive body hair may become quite a problem for some people.

Clinicus Klaipėda offers the latest and most effective hair removal method using the innovative Asclepion Mediostar Next PRO laser, which will help get rid of the unwanted body hair for long and to ensure your comfort.

Hair removal by laser is a safe and reliable treatment that causes no side effects.

The Mediostar Next PRO diode laser from the German manufacturer Asclepion is one of the most advanced lasers currently used for beauty treatments in Lithuania. With this device, laser-based hair removal is particularly safe and guarantees a lasting result.

The root of the hair is destroyed by heat

The light emitted by the laser penetrates several millimetres under the skin to the root of the hair. When reaching the dark coloured pigment melanin, the light turns into heat. The darker and thicker the hair, the more intensive the heat becomes. The heat destroys the cells responsible for hair growth. Following several treatments, a significant hair growth reduction is noticeable in the area exposed to the laser light.

‘The darker the hair, the easier it is to remove it. So, those with lighter hair, will simply need more treatments,’ says Agnė Bagdonė, the dermatologist at Clinicus Klaipėda.

Even though the hairy area of the skin is exposed to high temperatures during the treatment, the skin is not damaged. No marks or scars are left on it. This is ensured by using a powerful skin cooler installed in the Asclepion Mediostar Next PRO laser, which allows instantly cooling the skin area just before the exposure to the light pulse. This feature is also important in helping soothe the skin and reduce pain.

One treatment every month

Generally, a course of 4 to 8 treatments is required to achieve lasting removal of hair roots. Laser hair removal treatment (repeat procedures) is performed with breaks of two weeks or a month. ‘Laser destroys hair at the anagen phase of growth. Our hair grows unevenly, so the procedure has to be repeated to remove the hair that appears later. Even after completing the entire treatment course, it is necessary to have a maintenance treatment carried out once a year, as quite often some hair, albeit thinner and weaker now, may still appear,’ explains doctor A Bagdonė.

The laser hair removal treatment may be performed on the upper lip, the chin, the cheeks, and between the eyebrows, as well as on the most sensitive parts of the body: armpits and the bikini area. It is also the most efficient method to get rid of the hair on large areas of the body: the back, the chest, the thighs, and the calves.

According to physician A. Bagdonė, prior to hair removal by laser, patients are instructed not to remove the hair using a tweezer or epilator: the only permissible hair removal method one month prior to the laser treatment is shaving.

The cold season is the most suitable time to have a lasting hair removal treatment, as it is easier to protect your skin from exposure to sun.

The doctor advises not to use sauna and to stay away from alcohol one week after the treatment. It is necessary to apply a protective cream (SPF 25 or greater) to the treated skin areas for 6 weeks following the treatment.

Register for a treatment in Klaipėda by calling +370 665 14000 or by email at [email protected]

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