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Laser facial skin tightening is a relatively novel treatment. It is a great opportunity for those wishing to stop the passage of time and regain the youthful glow of their face. Late autumn, when the sun often hides behind dark clouds, is the best time to have this safe and reliable procedure. Following the treatment, the facial skin looks considerably younger and smoother.

Skin tightening treatments are carried out with the use the Asclepion MeDioStar NeXT diode laser from a German manufacturer.

You can return to work immediately after the treatment.

‘This time of year, when the sun is not active, is the best time to have a laser facial skin tightening treatment, as you don’t have to avoid the sun following the procedure,’ says Agnė Bagdonė, the doctor who performs these treatments at Clinicus Klaipėda. The best effect is achieved after 2 to 3 treatments repeated every two weeks. The duration of a single treatment is 15 to 20 minutes. Following the procedure, the person does not feel any discomfort, there is no reddening or painful sensation in the facial skin, which makes an immediate return to work a possibility.

The treatment is especially effective in terms of removal of wrinkles around the eyes.

‘It is a light facial skin tightening treatment that does not cause any harm to your health and is really effective. I would recommend this treatment to people from 30 years of age and, where necessary, to those who are younger as well,’ Doctor A. Bagdonė explains.

Facial skin tightening laser treatment is suitable for both women and men regardless of their skin type. The procedure is safe, painless and leaves no scarring. In the course of the treatment, the skin of the face and the neck is tightened. The laser treatment especially effectively smoothens wrinkles around the eyes. The rejuvenating effect of the procedure remains visible for about half a year, so it is a great choice to make yourself look youthful and more attractive on a special personal occasion.
The treatment can only be performed at a clinic.
‘I went to a cosmetologist and had a facial skin tightening treatment performed using a laser.’ The patients of A. Bagdonė say it all the time. The doctor warns not to make a mistake, as, most probably, it was not a laser but just another device used to carry out skin procedures, which is not necessarily safe and reliable. When looking for a specialist who could perform top-quality facial tightening treatment with a laser, it is advisable to go to a clinic that provides laser dermatology services rather than a cosmetologist.

Register for a treatment in Klaipėda by calling +370 665 14000 or by e-mail at [email protected].

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