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Laser procedures

The specialists at Clinicus Klaipėda use innovative and safe lasers of a new generation.

Laser treatments are a painless, fast, and safe way to have beauty, all-skin-type rejuvenation, and therapeutic treatments performed. Laser dermatology ensures an immediate and lasting effect.

The QuadroStar Pro Yellow laser by the German manufacturer AsclepionLaser Technologies removes a variety of skin lesions – pigmented spots, various vascular formations, enlarged capillaries, facial redness, and hemangiomas – without surgical intervention. Following laser treatments, the skin looks more appealing aesthetically, more radiant and smoother.

The MeDioStarNeXT Pro laser is used for face and neck skin tightening without scarring, as well as for acne treatment: laser therapy helps remove acne scars, shrink pores, reduce fat production, and prevent the development of new pus-filled formations.

Clinicus Klaipėda also offers durable facial/body depilation services. The procedures are performed using the MeDioStarNeXT Pro laser. The laser hair removal may be performed on the upper lip, chin, and cheek areas, the area between the eyebrows, as well as other parts of the body.

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