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Gastric sleeve surgery

At “Clinicus Klaipėda,” patients receive consultations and surgical treatment for obesity from experienced surgeon Vitalijus Eismontas.

Gastric sleeve surgery is typically indicated for patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 and above. However, in other cases, the decision regarding surgical intervention is carefully assessed on an individual basis by the surgeon.

Dr. V. Eismontas employs the “Gastric Sleeve” technique, also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy or “sleeve” surgery, for the surgical treatment of obesity.

During bariatric surgery, a portion of the left side of the stomach, where the hunger hormone ghrelin is produced, is removed.

Following this minimally invasive surgical intervention, patients find satiety with smaller food portions and develop healthier lifestyle habits.

While genetics can often contribute to the development of obesity, the primary causes of obesity lie in imbalanced nutrition and insufficient physical activity.

The operation is carried out laparoscopically through small incisions in the abdominal wall. This technique ensures minimal postoperative pain, making it globally recognized as as the safest and most favored approach.

Body Mass Index (BMI = kg/m2) indicators:

< 18.5 – underweight;
18.5-24.9 – normal weight;
25.0-29.9 – overweight;
30.0-34.9 – Class I Obesity;
35.0-39.9 – Class II Obesity;
> 40.0 – Class III Obesity.

The services are chargeable.

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